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August 2002 - ongoing, and back
Giles Bailey, Lucy Clout, Sam Kennedy, Oliver Rees, Matthew Robinson, Louise
Shelley, Laura Smith, Jens Strandberg and Rebecca Wilcox
16/11/2011 – 16/12/2011

August 2002 - ongoing, and back considers ideas of collaboration, translation and alliance in artistic practice.

The exhibition has grown out of a year-long weekly correspondence, in letter-form, between Rebecca Wilcox and Laura Smith. This process was initiated in November 2010 with the intention of informing both the content and structure of the show.

The letter as traditional mode of communication allows for slippages, crossovers, repetition and miscommunication; the exhibition alludes to the divergences and similarities that this sort of collaborative practice entails. The works presented include Wilcox and Smith as well as a selection of invited artists who have been cited, via chance meetings and encounters, in the letter writing process. These artists have been asked to respond to notions of perspective in collaboration, most of them having worked collaboratively at some point.

As such the exhibition seeks to build variations of perspective and chance into its construction. It traces links between individuals and their work, and expands and contracts relationships in order to shift an audience's expectations regarding what collaboration means in how we view and understand a work of art's meanings.